One stop destination for the needs of research and industries..!

About us

Wee Scientifics was established in 2019 and has served many organizations both within and outside of Tamil Nadu, India, including many contented scientists, researchers, and professors from state universities, ARCI labs, and IITM. With escalating experiences from the scientific and research community, Wee Scientifics is proud to cater to the needs of esteemed organizations’ researchers and industries through technical sales and support.

Wee offers Electrochemical Workstations and their associated Electrodes and Corrosion Cells, Battery Tester/Cycler (Neware), Dielectric/Impedance analyzer (Hioki/NumetriQ), Fuel cell stacks, Membranes, Catalysts, Gaskets, and Accessories. For fuel cell applications, Wee provides high-current potentiostats and galvanostats with EIS. We offer advanced materials such as Nanomaterials, Carbon materials, Quantum dots, Nanostructure, Carbon foams, Metal foams, Metal foils, Metal mesh, Dycotec (Silver/conductive paste), Sputtering Targets, battery consumables, and so on.

Wee can customize laboratory equipment (furnace, oven, fume hood, glove box, etc.) as per clients’ requirements. Wee intend to serve science and industries, enabling them to strive high toward eminence. Our products exemplify the state of the art at an affordable cost to our customers. “Wee is ready to serve you”.

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“Knowledge of Science has empowered us to manifest, manipulate and maneuver the happenings of the Universe on the Earth

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